Technical Support

  • Technical Support
  • WhatsApp Image 2022-11-07 at 6.56.44 PM
  • WhatsApp Image 2022-11-07 at 6.56.22 PM
  • WhatsApp Image 2022-11-07 at 6.56.56 PM

Site visits
Advamix’s technical team is ready to visit the site as per the client's request to help and support our customers by providing technical recommendations, staff- training providing assistance & supervision, or quality inspection testing.

Pull-off Adhesion Tester on site
The pull-off test is based on the concept that the tensile stress necessary to pull out a metallic disc, with a coat of mortar, from its substrate, is empirically related to the mortar's tensile adhesion strength. The purpose of the test is to measure the maximum tensile strength of tile on concrete. The test sample is subjected to increasing tensile stress until failure occurs.

The weakest path could be along an interface between two layers or a cohesive facture within one layer or a combination of these.
In conforms to international standards including ASTM C1583/D4541/D7234, ISO 4624/16276-1,EN 1542/12004-2, AS/NZS 1580.408.5 and others, Advamix’s technical team is ready to support technically our clients by conducting a site pull-off test to evaluate and monitor the performance of our product's on-site conditions. The Pull-off test report will be shared & provided to our customers to ensure the product quality.

Stone Moisture Assessment
Natural stone testing evaluates in general the suitability of a specific stone for a particular application. At this point, the water absorption test is a measure of the porosity of a stone and can be an indicator of its susceptibility to damage during different site conditions. A stone that has greater water absorption will also tend to absorb liquid stains more readily.

In general, the lowest water absorption is desired. The absorption is expressed as the percent weight change due to absorbed water.

The maximum allowable water absorption for each type of stone is prescribed in the standard specifications for that specific stone. The required values range from 0.20% for the marble to 12 % for the low-density limestone.
Advamix’s technical team is ready to help & support our customer to install the natural stone in proper method to  maintain the natural stone beauty and minimize the risk of stone discoloration after installation process.


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